David Schiesher, MSW - Psychotherapist
Avenue Henri-Dunant 3
1205 Geneva CH
Telephone: +41(0)79 811 36 42 (mobile)
     +41(0)22 320 26 32 (office)

By tram or bus: My office is a short walk from the bus and tram stops of the Rond Point and Plainpalais. Tram numbers 1, 12 , 15, and 18 stop nearby.

By car: Drive to the Plainpalais neighborhood and park underground at the Plaine de Plainpalais parking garage. Exit the parking garage at the door marked with a large yellow and black sign saying Rond Point.

DirectionsMy office is located on the second floor of Avenue Henri-Dunant 3. There is no elevator in this building. The entrance door is facing the large open area and is situated between Boulangerie L'Epi Doré and Delice Garden Asian restaurant.

Use the intercom on the right side of the door to call me. Scroll down the list to find the name Schiesher, then press the call button. When you hear the voice say "Vous pouvez entrer," push the door open.Our office is on the second floor.  Enter without ringing the bell.

Directions and Map